Employee Spotlight: Emma Strieker employs a lot of graphic designers, but if there were an award for “Most Active,” Emma Strieker would probably win. In her off hours she’s often on the go, whether it’s “fishing for hours, going to the skate park, downhill skiing, hiking, gardening, kayaking” or just being outside. Emma’s also an involved aunt to nephews Riley and Liam and was recently engaged to her long-time partner, Jesús.

Describe what you do on a day-to-day basis.

My main responsibility is to come up with designs for new projects; I work on the full variety of projects offers, from print to web graphics and animations. Then throughout a project, I work closely with the client and the copywriter to refine the piece until it hits the mark. I am always hoping to make each project stand out.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy “getting it right.” I love when my clients’ visons come to life. 

Any interesting work-related or client success stories?

My teammate [copywriter] Shelby Moyer and I won a CUNA Award for an annual report we created for Merck Sharp & Dohme Federal Credit Union. It’s always satisfying to make clients happy, but it’s especially rewarding when you also get industry recognition for your work. 

What’s your favorite place to visit in Wisconsin?

We love checking out state parks! They are all great, but to name a few: Devil’s Lake, Blue Mounds, High Cliff, Governor Dodge. I went to Amnicon Falls for the first time last fall. The waterfalls are beautiful and that’s where I got engaged.

Do you have any weird or irrational fears?

Raccoons terrify me. You can’t guess their next move and they sneak up on you.

If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

I want to learn how to use a sewing machine. I would love to make projects – bags, totes, coasters, etc. I prefer to fix things that break instead of throwing them away and creating waste, so it would be great to be able to repair or repurpose my clothing. 

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

Leadore, Idaho is the calmest place I have ever visited. I have been there twice, and I hope to go again. Its population is only about 100, so you feel like you’re in the middle of nowhere. Both times I’ve gone with family and stayed at a good friend’s ranch. It’s set in the Lemhi Valley, and you get to enjoy the beautiful mountain ranges. They have horses and a creek; we have the best time fishing, hiking, and exploring the area. Lots of great memories!

What does leadership mean to you?

Being a good example. Listening with respect and influencing others with good intentions to be successful.

What activities or volunteer work are you involved in outside of work?

I coach my nephew’s soccer team (9–12-year-old boys for Rock Soccer Club Rush) with Jesús. I played soccer most of my life, so it only makes sense to coach. The boys are a hoot! We absolutely love being part of their lives and watching them develop into great people.

Posted by Tanya Langdon - July 17, 2024